Brochure Evergreen

  When your kids return to school in January, we will have a school nurse from Evergreen Family Medicine housed on campus 2 days a week and on call here from Sutherlin School District the other 2 days of the week to help serve any student medical needs.  This service will be provided totally free of charge to our students and families.  If a student or family has no insurance they would be seen free of charge.  If a student or family has insurance, that insurance will be billed, but if there is a deductible or co-pay, or any other out of pocket expense for the family, it will be written off by Evergreen as part of their grant with the Mercy Foundation.  Students do not have to be an Evergreen patient to be seen.  Students will be able to see the School Nurse, and if needed, will teleconference with a doctor at Evergreen to manage whatever is going on.  Parents will be able to join this teleconference with the doctor if they desire, and will not need to present for this to happen.  Parents or guardians will need to fill out a permission slip, which I will attached in this email.  There should be an online link provided at some point by Evergreen, so you can go online and fill it out, but for now, the attached form is what I have.   We will need this on file in order for your student to take advantage of this service.  Printing this and sending it to school with your student when they return on Tuesday would be the quickest way to allow services to be utilized when needed.  There is no obligation for students to utilize this service, but we felt this was a partnership that will greatly benefit our entire student population, as well as our families.  Below we have added the printable permission form and the online form:

Printable Form
Online Form: