Tuesday- March 18th To show our school spirit and commemorate this special 100th day of school- our classes (students & staff) will be dressing up like we are 100 years old. If your child would like to participate, it's easy! We do not encourage purchasing a costume, but instead find items at home- Here are a few ideas that may help your child dress the part: - Gray Hair (wig or washable hair spray) - Hair Curlers - Glasses (without prescription lenses) - Shawl - Robe - Bow Tie - Cane / walker For safety reasons- please wear school appropriate shoes and any canes or walking assistance items will need to remain in the classroom during recess times.
about 20 hours ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Our OES Battle of the Books Team will be headed to regionals on March 15th. GOOD LUCK!!
3 days ago, Dalene Gutierrez
OES Book Blast Begins March 10th We are partnering with Books Are Fun and their Book Blast program to help build our students’ home libraries. For over 30 years, Books Are Fun has been a trusted partner in promoting literacy. Today, we are asking you to take 7 minutes to support our Student Home Library initiative. Click Here: https://app.booksarefun.com/OaklandES97462
3 days ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Join Us Thursday March 13th from 4:30-5:50 for Our March Math Night!
3 days ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Read Across America March 3rd- March 6th Monday- Fox in Socks- Craziest Hair Style Tuesday- Cat in the Hat- Favorite Hat and Red and White Stripes Wednesday- Green Eggs and Ham- Wear Green or Yellow Thursday- Thing 1 and Thing 2- Twin Day
14 days ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Good morning Little Oaker Families- We are almost through our mid-way point of our school year. I can’t believe how fast time has flown by. As we complete our 2nd quarter, here are a few things to keep in mind. *Monday, January 20th is a holiday and there is NO school & NO afterschool programs 1. School resumes on Tuesday, January 21st. 2. Wednesday, January 22nd we will have our afterschool programs 3. Friday, January 24th, we WILL have school and OES has decided we are going to show up in GRAND OAKER fashion. *We’ll have a friendly competition and our amazing Instructional Assistant staff will get to vote for the grade level that shows the most representation of our Oaker Blue and Gold (yellow). *The next two weeks will be filled with a great amount of testing to see how our Little Oakers are progressing toward their end of the year goals. 1. Please make sure to help them by getting lots of rest and making sure their mornings start off positively. *Lastly- Starting tonight we are going to continually see freezing temperatures and not much warmer days. Please help our Little Oakers to dress accordingly. We have extra warm gear in the office if there is any need- As always- it is a great year to be an Oaker. Have a great weekend! Stay warm!!
about 2 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Sign-Ups for cheer camp!!!! Please see image for more details
2 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
cheer camp flyer
OES January Afterschool Program https://5il.co/33ddh Register here: https://forms.gle/R95F45adsxeS7GXx7
3 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Spirit Week!! Monday- Pajama Day Tuesday- Grinch Day(wear green) Wednesday- Holiday Hair(crazy hair day) Thursday- Ugly Sweater Day
3 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Healthy Start Gift Card Program for Umpqua Health Members Please Click the link for more information: https://5il.co/32nwu
3 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Toys For Tots Information Please click the Link or check out the News Section https://5il.co/31r2r
4 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Hey KIDS and families! NED’s Resiliency Ride is visiting our school! The assembly is filled with storytelling, humor, illusions and amazing yo-yo tricks where our kids learn the hidden message in NED's name: -Never give up -Encourage others -Do your best® Our school received this assembly at no-cost because another school paid-it-forward to us. We want to help pay-it-forward too, and you can help by purchasing a NED-messaged yo-yo. Our sale dates will be Tuesday, November 19th through Tuesday, December 3rd. The flyer is attached. You do not need to return the flyer to school in order to purchase- we will have the yo-yos for sale during lunch recess time and during library time if possible. As with every NED show time- we provide Each and Every student a school Yo-Yo. Purchase is not required!! https://5il.co/31cdz
4 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Picture Retakes Wednesday November 13th!
4 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
picture retakes
Hello OES Oaker families! Next week, Monday November 11th, there will be NO school! Tuesday and Wednesday, the elementary has regular scheduled school hours. Wednesday the 13th our parent teacher conferences are 4:00 - 7:00. Thursday November 14th, there is NO school due to parent/teacher conferences from 8AM-7PM here at the elementary. Please note: No school on Thursday is ONLY for the elementary- LMS & OHS are on normal schedules with conferences in the evening. If you have any questions, please call the OES office.
4 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Oakland Elementary Food Drive When: November 11th - November 26th How: Send non-perishable food items with students or drop them off at the OES office anytime between 7:40 - 4:00. Click the link for more information: When: November 11th - November 26th How: Send non-perishable food items with students or drop them off at the OES office anytime between 7:40 - 4:00.
4 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
4 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Oakland Youth Basketball sign-up Event click link for more info: https://5il.co/30kdi
4 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Good afternoon Lil Oaker Families! Just a reminder, our Harvest Carnival is this Thursday from 4:30 - 6:30 in our OES Multipurpose room. Students are still able to bring in store bought candy and / or dessert items to contribute to the carnival cake walk and rewards. With those donated items, Carnival Tickets for the games will be given to each student. If you are interested in pre-ordering your tickets, a voucher will be sent home with your student(s) today. I have also attached the flyer just in case the voucher doesn't make it home. As tradition, all money goes to next year's Carnival! School appropriate costumes (no weapons, blood, etc.) are encouraged, but not required. If you are interested in volunteering during the carnival- please contact your homeroom teachers!! As always, siblings are welcome, but we encourage them to remain supervised at all times!! Click below for Ticket Voucher: https://5il.co/2zgp9 Happy Fall! Hope to see you Thursday!!
5 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Youth Volleyball Skills and Drills When: Mondays(October 7, 14, 21) Come to one or come to all! Where: Lincoln Middle School Gym Who: 1st and 2nd graders Time: After school until 5:00pm Cost : FREE Students will work on learning volleyball skills such as passing, setting and serving. Please click the link to sign up. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTqHACJfoO9FrfwdCZqOOSoLCkHXh22ZBBWD3ghsdKdNFc4g/viewform
5 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez
Health Coverage Information: https://5il.co/2xymk Or check out the News Section
5 months ago, Dalene Gutierrez