Thursday we will have a state send-off assembly for the football team.
5th Period-12:43-1:2 6th Period-1:32-2:32 7th Period-2:36-3:36 Assembly-3:40-3:50
Ag Ed students join us for our annual FFA Fall Feast, Monday November 20th @ 12:15 in the Ag Room. Sign-up in the Ag room for a side dish/dessert.
OHS Daily Bulletin
Games Club is cancelled this week due to conferences. We will meet again on Tuesday before the break.
OHS Daily Bulletin
Please remember that there will be NO SCHOOL at OES on Thursday 11/16, BUT LMS and OHS have a regular school day.
Winter Sports practice starts today. You must have a current physical and insurance form turned in before you can practice. Your sports fee of $75 must be paid to the office before the 1st game/meet.
OHS Daily Bulletin
Friday 11/10 Varsity Football vs Gervais 7pm @ Sutherlin HS Bus departure 5pm
Tickets for State events are set by OSAA and can be purchased online at For Football: $10 for adult and $6 for students.
Today we will have a Football State Playoff Send-Off Assembly. You will be released at 3:36 to go to the gym. We will release Band at 3:25 and Cheer at 3:33.
OHS Daily Bulletin
We are very excited to announce that the Oakland High School Athletic Department has partnered with FinalForms, an online forms and data management service. FinalForms allows you to complete and sign athletic participation forms for your students. The most exciting news is that FinalForms saves data from season-to-season and year-to-year, meaning that you will never need to enter the same information twice! FinalForms also pre-populates information wherever possible, for each of your students, saving you time.
You may review your data at any time to verify it is current. You will be required to sign your forms once per year and after any update.
Click on the Parent Playbook (attached) to get started in FinalForms. If you require any support during the process, scroll to the page bottom and click “Get Help”.
We are asking that ALL parents/guardians of athletes use FinalForms.
Please register at:
and follow the prompts to create your account, create your students and sign your forms.
If you already have a physical exam on file with us, OHS will upload that information for you AFTER you have created your account.
Thank you for your assistance in streamlining our paperwork processes at Oakland High School.
Instructions For FinalForms:
The Penny War is on! Coins are positive points and bills are negative points. If you want your class to win, put the bills in other teachers' jars. The winning class will get bagels, donuts and drinks from the Oaker Café. Let's make a change! We are raising money for food baskets to give them to families in need over Christmas break. The small change makes a big difference.
OHS Daily Bulletin
Check out our new OHS coaching Opportunities
There will be open mats in the high school gym Friday at 10:00am in the gym. Last one before the season begins.
OHS Daily Bulletin
Fall Sports Awards are tonight at 6:30 in the multi-purpose room.
OHS Daily Bulletin
OHS Daily Bulletin