Virtual Architects in Schools Summer Camp (designed for youth ages 8-12)
Our virtual camp held from June 24-28 is free and designed for youth ages 8-12. During this camp, students will learn about the benefits of adaptive reuse and how the built environment must evolve with cultural, societal, and environmental changes. They will take on the role of an architect and builder to redesign a structure for their community. Learn more here or through the link in the attached flyer. Register by June 14 to participate (Oregon residents can request a free supply box by June 7). Camp Flyer
2024 Summer Camp Catalog (for students K-College)
There are several great camps for Oregon students to explore design this summer (including our Architects in Schools Camp, NOMA PDX's Project Pipeline, ELSO's Wayfinders and more) and we have compiled those opportunities into our 2024 Summer Camp Catalog (please see PDF attachments, English and Spanish version). Registration deadlines are approaching soon. Here are the weblinks in case those are easier for you to share: English Catalog, Spanish Catalog.
Oregon Student Opportunities Hub (for students K-College)
Our Hub is a resource for students, Kindergarten through Post-Secondary, to explore architecture, engineering, construction, and design opportunities across Oregon. This includes programs, camps, internships, scholarships, events, and more. Check it out and share with a student!
Partner Sports Camp
The camp is FREE to participants, thanks to generous sponsors and donors! This summer we’ll celebrate our 18th year of Partner Sports Camp! Camp will take place July 8 -18, 2024 (Monday – Thursday)* Camp training date for partners is July 3.
The annual summer gathering pairs 50 campers with disabilities and 50 partners without disabilities. Partner Sports Camp focuses mostly on sports, but also features traditional camp activities such as hiking, fishing, crafts and campfire cooking. Every partner has an opportunity to gain experience working with a camper and understand the daily challenges each faces
Click Here for more information and Application